Monday, September 22, 2008

Zhovti Vodi

On Friday I took a four hour road trip to Zhovti Vodi along with Masha, Lyena, Katya and Lesya. We dodged potholes and puddles as we made the rainy journey. We went there to attend a leadership training seminar that focuses on team building in ministry. We attended last year and it was really beneficial so it was a no-brainer to attend again.

My van got stuck in the mud as we ventured off the path looking for the turnoff to camp. Everyone got out and pushed while I tried my best to get traction to get back on the road. Mud was flying everywhere as my wheels spun giving most of the people behind me a mud shower. We cut down some branches and placed them under the wheels to finally get us back on the road. What an adventure.

It was on Sunday I shared this story at church. The Lord showed me the importance of helping others and team unity through that experience. To come along side those who need help, who may have ventured off-course and who are stuck in the mud. Helping them will require you to get dirty, this is not something we always want to do. We like to help and come out clean and go on our way, but this is not always the case. You are needed to help push. Team effort is many times needed as well, all pushing for the same goal of restoration and unity to get back on the right road.

Looking back it was an encouraging weekend. Lyena and I had a great discussion about youth ministry and the direction the Lord is leading. We are excited to put into practice some of the things we learned.

Sasha teaching about setting goals and how to reach them...

The pastor baptizing two new believers at the camp...

Praising the Lord...

God's final touches on a great day...

Sharing on Sunday morning...

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